In-N-Out 100x100
I noticed in my SiteMeter logs that I was getting an abnormal number of hits today. And it looks like the famous In-N-Out 100x100 is making its way around the internet.
First, I noticed that someone referenced it about a month ago here (check out comment #43):
But this week, it was stepped up a couple of notches. A couple of days ago, the people at somehow got a hold of the picture (but didn't know about my blog at first). Check out their post here.
Next thing you know, it's cross posted in a couple of different places:
Hooray..everyone knows we're pigs!
With the new attention, I thought I would detail the whole In-N-Out 100x100 story.
It started innocently enough with a Halloween weekend in Vegas (2004). What started as a drunken, silly weekend..became quite legendary.
Throughout the weekend, Andy kept on saying: "We should go get a 100x100 at In-N-Out". Over..and over...and over again. Until we finally broke. So on Halloween night, we went to go chowdown.
The receipt 100x100 $97.66 - 1 Dbl/Dbl, 98 Extra patties
Furiously cooking the 100x100..they were shocked. They said the biggest order they had before this was the 24x24
The Completed masterpiece

Close ups - they jury rigged a couple of boxes together
I need to stop right here. Please take a CAREFUL look the picture on the right. There is a common misperception that the 100x100 has a hundred buns. No, that's not true. It's one set of buns and ONE HUNDRED meat patties and ONE HUNDRED pieces of sweaty-oily cheese in between the buns. Clearly, the worst part of this experience wasn't the was the sweaty cheese.
Horizontal view
1/2 way done - just look the disgusting left over pool of cheese on the right
Thank God..we are almost done. 5 patties left.
Now at this point...we all feel extremely sick. VERY sick. Disgusted. It's not quite because we are all full. But it's more a factor of just being completely disgusted and nauseated by the sweaty cheese. Can you blame us...
the final 5 patties
But we finished! We rule in our fatness....
Gross...was anyone actually going to eat that? Oh yes...we FORCED Andy to because it was his idea. Watching this almost made us barf.
And here is the victorious team with the great people at In-N-Out.
(The crew. And yes...the guy on the right is Tony, CEO of, The Web's Most popular shoe store. He doesn't normally dress like that...but it was Halloween. Go buy some shoes...once you buy online, you'll never go to the mall again for shoes. Free shipping. Free returns. Price protection.)
Here are a couple of interesting stats to summarize the experience:
- Total calories (extrapolating from info provided here): 19490 calories
- Total eaters 8 (2 girls and one guy who already ate dinner and only ate 6 patties)
- Most patties eaten by one person : I think I ate about 20. I think Nalin ate about 20 as well (including the raw ones)
- Time to finish : less then 2 hours
- Number of people who barfed : 1 (way to go Elena!)
The sad thing is, In-N-Out use to be one of my favorite things in the world. Now..the thought of it makes me sick and I haven't touched it since. :(
Update 1/29 - So this innocent little post has made us, as describes us - "Internet-Enabled Legends". Maybe not quite legends, but it has made the last couple of days interesting. Details here. Also, we will be posting a quick video clip that we forgot we took that day.
Updated 1/31 - I just posted a quick video of us at In-N-Out that day...mildly interesting.
Updated 2/1 - Embarassingly enough, I was interviewed on the radio today for my love of sweaty cheese.
And as LiveJournal syndicated links are volatile, I'll record the permanent link to the entry in question here: (Noting that I actually linked to you in comments, and that all the comments will go away once LJ decides the entry is too old to keep.)
I still kinda wish I had an opportunity to try an In-N-Out - no chance to even see one unless I travel across the country. The most I'd eat is a 4x0 though (can't eat cheese).
OK that just made me really hungry.
Dude, that is awesome!!!! It's now up on, that is one of the finest fast-food burger creations yet! Cya!
I wish i were there to help. i love in and out.
you really should not wish you were there van. if you would no longer love In-N-Out.
Fucking gross! never heard of anything so gross in my life. you guys were just asking to die
Willy, you ROCK! =P
mmmm's what's for dinner... haha =P that's so hot!
those pics are great! btw, this is marie, marty's friend from toronto :) he told me your 100x100 story so I thought I'd check it out for
That's the greatest thing I've ever seen. And here I am ordering double doubles like a sucker. I only wish they used better cheese.
You've been BoingBoing'ed... Expect a lot more people saying : you sick bastards.
That cheese looks good to me...
Tosser, why did you bother? Give the money to charity of something as opposed to trying to be "cool"
this is all so amazing, Will
you're the coolest guy ever!
Raw patties? You should have taken it back! Raw mice is not safe like rare steak is.
mmmmmm..... sweaty cheese.
Your next challenge is a homemade pizza with 5 jars of anchovies on it.
Cool burger. Submitted it to digg. May drive some more traffic your way.
This reminds me of the 20 x 20, which was created in a similar way and eaten by one person. The original images of it were taken offline a year or two ago, but I have them mirrored here:
You totally should have ordered a diet coke with that!
O man, that makes me hungry! Thats the yummiest looking cheeseburger I've ever laid eyes on. I wonder how many cows were killed in the making of this post?
fucking amazing. You seriously pwn3d face with that awesome deed. Chuck Norris would be proud of you, however he ate a 102X110 by himself and killed serveral employees while he was at it. ejbxl
Eww, I can't believe the buns were eaten as well. Oh well, I guess you need some carbs to go with the meat.
that is so appalling yet impressive. i hope you got your money back for those raw ones bleh.
I was expecting much fatter people. Well done :)
When I first saw the link on boingboing I thought "Hey, yeah In-N-Out for lunch would be great!" Then I saw the pictures... I think I'll have a salad.
I linked this post to my own blog. The 100x100 deserves to be known by all.
Awesome job.
Way to go!! I'm a native Cali transplanted to Texas and desperately miss In N Out, but I definitely understand how that would make you wary of any future jaunts to INO.
If only you washed it down with a 100 gallon chocolate shake!!
I call shenanigans!!!
Where's the obligatory lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, and spread?!?!
Just kiddin'.
You guys are pretty fuckin' crazy. I appreciate that I now feel like less of a fat ass when I get an animal style 3x3 now.
Too f'in awesome for words. I can't tell you how much I want a cheeseburger right now, I haven't had one since I saw the guy who ate the 20X20 from in-n-out and the double I got that day made me feel like death. I guess I'll feel that way again today . . .
You know, if your health insurance provider sees this site, they'll cancel your coverage.. :-)
I love my beef, but after seeing the pics of the 100x100, I think I turned Vegan. :-(
I guess having veggies in that burger would've just been too silly....
Dammmmmmmn homie. All of you rule ! Especially for getting chicks involved.
Quite simply, you and you're team of guzzlers are legends. Nice work!
Absolutely stunning! I am proud of you all for taking-on such a task. Even vegetarians like myself can appreciate something so over-the-top. The pictures are beautiful, but I am wishing you captured the event on digital video. Let me know when you guys order 100 fries animal style, and I'll join in!
OMG! that's looks soooooooooo DISGUSTING!!!
btw, this is Maureen... from the Tdot! Happy New Year Will!
All i have to say.......Damn
You are amazing. I've had a 6x6, but this is unbelievable.
You've got some hot girlfriends, and that In and Out gal is pretty sweet looking too.
being stoned would have been a better idea.
that's funny but i'm really not hungry now!
so have you been to a docter to check your arteries yet?
That was really neat and reminded me of the time that I sucked off fifteen dicks at a homosexual coming out party that I had.
Desmond Mullen
You are gods among men. I bow down before your cheese greatness. Nice, nice, NICE work!
You have to marvel at the discrepancies in this world, in this country -- while some are desperately scavenging for food, others are gorging themselves for amusement. I'm not saying you should be ashamed, but you certainly made this fellow American feel shame.
Some guys I knew back at Ricketts House at Caltech did this back around 1997 or so. I had graduated already, so I didn't see it in person, but I'm pretty sure they've got photos of it somewhere. I heard there were plans to do a 666 x 666, but I dunno if they ever pulled that off.
Wow. This is a bit out of control...
I normally get about 20-50 readers a day. Because of this fleeting internet fame, I've gotten about 50,000 hits today.
Woooo hoooooo!
To all the fans..thank you.
To all the haters...i love you too.
Wow, you made it on Gorillamask! Thats the best thing on the web since porn. Great job with the burger also, especially being so thin.
Next time, wash it all down with the Gallon Challenge and then you'll really have something to be proud of.
Rock On! I'm an in-and-out fiend, and that just set a new standard. I hope that I can wrangle together 8 intrepid souls who will attempt a 101x101 (with milkshakes!).
You shoulda done some profile shots of your bulging guts...before and after? Maybe eight months???
"Better...better get a bucket!"
Oh wow that would definitely ruin In-N-Out for me forever.
Oh wow, that would definitely ruin In-N-Out for me for life.
i will beat that
Note to self order in and out burger with 101 patties!
Hey Will, Billy here from Someone posted in the comments on your story, wondering what gives in the last pic, the guy with the mullet? Hahahah...
wow you are all crazy!
props to u all =)
I had a heart attack just looking at the pictures...lOl..
I've never eaten at an in-n-out and now it's safe to say I never will...
I know it's wrong to think about this but: what was the morning after like???
PS I LOVE Zappos!
Hi Billy...the guy in the mullet..that's me! was Halloween. Check out the full pic here:
My god it gives me intestinal cramps just thinking about that.
Damn... I was working next door that night, guess i missed out.
The chick who works at the burger place! :D - She'd get it! :D :D
you are gay
you should all be awarded medals of honor and free visits to your local doctor, good job lol
Totally awesome dude.
In-n-Out OWNS YOU, No.1 grilled onions.. protien style, with animal style fries, and a lemonaid.... one day i will beat that 100x100. :) nice work guys
you are all animals!!!!
i commend you, mad props yo!
that must be like 1.5 gallons of cheese and an entire cow right there.
You guys made it through about 98 patties and you came to raw, uncooked meat. You were served UNCOOKED meat- by all rights you should have been able to get your money back, if not sue.
Just something to think about. It would have been a tough case, but you probably would have gotten away with a free 100 pattied burger.
For how many days did you FART?
The workers at IN-N-OUT should have said, "Here you go sir, enjoy your Diabetes Explosion. And, here is a 5% off coupon for a triple bypass."
That kicks A$$!!!! I saw you on AOL news! That makes me happy!!!!!
Dave from Boston here.... Any pictures of the stool that came out of you guys after this meal?
hmmm, is this the in n out in hungtington beach? and you shoulda ordered it with the grilled onions =X
The vegetable is uselessness ..not eating... It is good for the
switch when there are pickles.
What?Problem of such?
y'all are my heroes.
You need to add the 100X100 to the Wikipedia entry for In-N-Out:
There's only an inferior 20X20 on there now.
My God! Van's drunk friend is even more famous! Congratulations! Having never tried and in-n-out burger, I aspire to try a 2x2 one of these days. mmm!
The Guiness Book of World Records needs to include you guys in this year's book! I got acid reflux just looking at that photo. Remind me never to get the munchies around you guys.
Now, I will say, that is one of the most awesome things I have ever seen.
And futher more, all you people who're being dickwads about this, why did you even bother posting? Why on earth do you feel the need to provoke people? It's just stupid. If you don't like what this Will person's done, simply look away. Go to another web page. It's as easy as that!
Anyway, daring to even consider ordering the 100x100 is a feat on its own, but actually finishing it is amazing. O_o Good job, man.
lol...I've done a 10 x 10, and that was bad enough. You're right, the cheese is BY FAR the worst part.
Do you realize that eating RAW meat can _kill_ you? This is not the same as eating a rare steak. That is an insanely dangerous risk to your life you took. You should have reported those patties to the resteraunt immediately, and its pretty lame of you guys to be bragging about something that dangerous.
To the guy who thinks we are lame for eating raw meat:
Dude...are we bragging that we ate raw meat? No, we are bragging about the fact we are morons.
Shit man..relax and go eat some raw meat. I'm eating some right well as some raw chicken kabobs.
It's a Double-Double (2) + 98 extra patties.
For some stupid reason, they didn't have a 100x100 button on the cash register. It's like the Y2K problem all over again.
Great site! Very funny stuff. Can't believe you thought of that. Brilliant. I had to write about it on my sports blog
Now I'm sort of hungry.
Only in America, I guess, where some people have nothing to eat and others order and finish a 100-decker-burger for fun. Whatever.
Oh my goodness. I moved to texas from cali in june last year, and one of the things I miss most is a Double Double animal style w/ animal style fries and a coca cola...
Oh I'll be back In & Out, please don't go anywhere!!
I just have to say that as my officemates grunted with disgust and made declarations of never eating a hamburger again, I thought to myself silently that I kind of wanted one.
Dudes... that was the most *amazing* Carnival o' Cholesterol I have ever seen -- manky cheese included. Daaammnnnnnn....!
WIMPS. You needed EIGHT to finish that?
More stats:
You ate enough calories to cover you for two days (and your team averaged enough for a full day with no other food). Also, your team consumed about 2050 grams of fat, an average of 256 grams each and a max of 820 for both of you manly men. That is your daily fat requirement for 5 days average or two weeks worth maxed out.
In n' Out should give you guys a free angioplasty.
thats just fuckin sick
i CHERISH In - N- Out. I did eat 2 double doubles one Saturday. Hit the spot!
You're getting most of your hits from if ya didn't notice it yet
Got about 38k page views + 55k hits today. Definitely most of those were from today.
I also noticed I just got linked off hedonistica. That fun times site should be bringing some more traffic my way too...
How long is this 15 minutes going to last? looked pretty sick to start with...Then I saw those raw patties. Ugh Nonetheless, CONGRATS to you and your friends!
Hmm, I dont get why so many people are bitching, its just a bunch of kids having fun. Let them.
So anyways... I AM curious about the uh... results.... from the next day, if you catch my drift.
And congrats! I'm so gonna have to do that next time I have a drunken get-together.
So... how is your heart condition?
you're on college humor too!
You guys are my heros. xoxo...
Oh lord. Seriously, my heart just beat three hard beats. I'm not kidding you.
I think I'm gunna hurl.
I love how someone says:
Hmm, I dont get why so many people are bitching, its just a bunch of kids having fun. Let them.
Thanks for the support!
And I love even more how us kids are all in our late 20's and early 30's. We even had a CEO among us. Damn it, how many times do I need to tell you people to go buy some shoes from
rock the fuck on!
Wee little girly men eating only 20 patties. You make me sick.
Blah blah blah "you guys are sick" "nothing better to do" whatever. It's good to see you're dealing with 'em in a civil manner.
And y'all are inspiration. I've already talked about wanting to do this with some of my friends, it's freaking awesome. Too bad we live way the hell away from the west coast.
Hey besides, you only live once!
Going to the States in April and quite fancied trying an In-N-Out. Not too sure now!
you're about to make and their 30k+ members.
apologies in advance if they flood the site.
(temp down for repair)
ikCan you say COLONOSCOPY ?
Be sure that the doctor cuts their fingernails first.
That's awesome! I miss In-N-Out now? OMG...don't know about that much though...I guess I will just stick with the couple times I get it every time I make a trip back to Cali.
Nice work guys. I love In-n-out and that feat of legendary eating demands respect.
Bravo boys and girls.
Funny, thats my store on Serene and Eastern... Thats one of my managers holding that up... this is some funny crap, they were talking about this at work the other day...
Congrats, guys--your feat just made the 'Adventures in Eating' board on Responses so far include "awesome" and "disgusting."
As for me personally, not even the sight of that oleaginous blob can successfully wean me from cheeseaholism, and the tale of this feat only makes me want to stop in at an In-n-Out should I ever find myself on the West Coast.
Oh, yes, it might also lead me to change where I shop for shoes.
mykii!! finally someone who works at that In-N-Out found this.
It's this one right?:
so..the question EVERYONE is wondering...does In-N-Out cutie still work there?
Being a rabid bulimic for 10 years that burger is the ultimate sit down dinner for one.
Wow. Um, wow. Yeah, that looked like some disgusting cheese.
Oh, and Zappos totally rocks. I have to keep a careful eye on how often my wife goes there, though...
Excellent feat. Love In-N-Out, but not sure if I'd arange an attempt at that. Of COURSE I would! I'm at, but alas, we are in NY. We're interested in anything else you do! Burger related, of course.
Some people do things beyond what anyone else has ever done. Whether stupid, brilliant, disgusting, beautiful, or all of the above -the fact remains that you did what nobody ever before in history has done. That alone sets you above everyone else here. You have earned your place in history forever. For that, I bow and give you my sincere respect.
When you got to the raw patties you should've showed 'em to the counter and asked for a refund... Or at least another 100x100 to replace it ;).
Wow! The pics just makes me blaaarrrghhh. Impressing to get so many hits. I've never had a single visitor at any of my pages, sites or blogs. At least none that bothered to lave a comment. Maybe I should start writing about totally meaningless issues too?
By the way, once in Gran Canaria on a holiday, I ate 6 huge pizzas, drank 2 big jars of sangria, topped it with 8 pints. Just to annoy a waiter that was all too eager to give me the bill as I was half-way into my first napolitana. And as such behaviour always annoys me, I decided to let him have it! Every time he stopped by with a hand-written bill - that's seven in all, I ordered a new round of food and drink. And every time he moved up a step on the angrymeter thrown into his face by me and my absolutely horrific behaviour against that poor boy. As I remember, I occupied the table for three hours in a already crowded restaurant.
Guess what I had for lunch the day after, at the same restaurant, at the same table - serviced by the same unlucky soul?
Eeeeugh! That is absolutely disguisting what must your insides be like? Your gastric juices must be busy getting rid of all that fat! :-S
Thanks for the pictures.... makes it seems even more disgusting when you can actually see it. Can't believe you guys even ate the raw ones.
I don't even wanna know how you pooped all that out...
Make sure you guys all get a cholesterol check and a balloon angioplasty to wash that greese down!
Came across you on a myspace group post. Just wanted to let you know.
Hell, you only live once...
You are one sick, sick, demented man. I respect that.
And now for some unashamed advertising:
Oh Captain, My Captain
Dude! the last time i was in san francisco was in 2000, and my ALL TIME favourite burger is the in-n-out burger. i have craved for it many times while I am here in the far away island of Singapore. That picture of the 98 patties and cheese- yucks! you are terrible. wish i could have an in-n-out burger now! btw i will go check out that online shoe shop u were talking abt. Cheers!
Totally Awesome Achivement!!
But, now that you famous, what's next?
If you can top this with proper audio/visual documentation. Then the sky's the limit!
I see a Reality T.V. show in your future!
The signt of so much meat drowned in cheese makes me queezy!
as an English teacher in Japan, one part of my job is exposing my students to my (American) culture. I plan to use your post and the comments in a lesson soon. I can't wait to see the reaction I get from my modest Japanese business men and women students.
I'll let you know when I develop a proper lesson plan.
are you ever worried that you are raising the bar for what it takes to be a stereotypical American?
ha ha ha
me pone los juebos en la comida del restaurante. tu come mis juebos sucios. Mis mecos estan en el pan con mismo
This is crazy:) What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right? I've seen the death star there a few times myself.
We (in my house) also consume horrible amounts of cheese... IT'S SO GOOD! Especially with large amounts of green olives...
Kia Ora (Hello) from a blogger down under in New Zealand. I didn't know which of my blogs to link to it, so in the end I decided on "Morbid & Murder" !!!
100x100 that is small compared to the 350x350 we did back in the day @ Gilroy california. In - N- Out # 100 store.
100x100 that is small compared to the 350x350 we did back in the day @ Gilroy california. In - N- Out # 100 store.
DUde you are now on Abovetopsecret! 55,141 members are now seeing your feat on the Belowtopsecret part of the site.
Also, sick, I thought I did good when I won the Mac Off by eating 12 pounds of Mac and Cheese. of course since I won I got it for free plus a coupon for free drinks the next time I ate at Mr. Beefy's.
good stuff!
should've gotten animal style fries with it though
BravO! Well done ... puts my miserable Big Mac to shame.
Good pics, but not a new idea. Back around 1994, my housemates and friends were drunk (natch), and decided a 100x100 was just the thing. One of the more handy among us built an appropriately-sized wooden box, much the same shape as your cardboard conglomeration. We decorated the box with hand-painted labels and such, fortified ourselves with beer, and headed over to the local InO. There were a couple more of us than anticipated, so we actually ordered a 110x110. We also received boxes and boxes of lettuce, tomatoes, onions and buns. We managed to polish it all off, and for dessert, we bet one of the more drunk guys he wouldn't drink the congealed grease pooled in the bottom of the box. He did it for $40. We got photos.
I'll really have to see if I can find the pics of the event. This was before digital cameras were common, so I'll have to go through my Kodak Paper.
Bravo! At my old company we had something called Netdare, where we dared one of the employees to eat 10 whoppers in 10 hrs (which includes all the veggies and bread). I believe a number of people showed up to contribute to the pot (it ended up being a few hundred dollars or perhaps even more)
At the beginning of the challenge he said, "I would eat 10 whoppers for free, no question."
At the end of the challenge (he only completed 9.75 whoppers.. couldn't make himself eat the last quarter), he said, "I would never do that again.. for any sum of money."
digg this
I reckon serving raw meat is a health code violation. Not something they should want the web community to read.
we beat you!
Ummmm... you guys are my heroes!
You hear me!! HEROES!!!!!!
I know it's late June, but I just found out about this from Nalin, and this has got to be the most disgusting, funny, drunken, disgusting (did I say that already)? thing I have seen. It beats every hotdog competition I have ever heard of.
awesome. I just bought a pair from zappos based on this event.
just insane - one of the funniest things I've ever heard of!
SlickNick. Wow...a 102x102! That is so insanely original! Wow. I bow down to you. Wow. So impressive. Jezus dude...this story is old..why don't you try and trade a red paper clip or make a million dollar home page next..
Well...i actually get an email every time someone posts and leaves a comment. So I'm not refreshing every minute.
But oddly, you don't get an that means you are refreshing every minute? Sad man. Really sad.
Even sadder then the fact I feel like I need to justify myself to you...hehe
The 666x666 was made for Ricketts house at Caltech, as Adam Vilani suspected. It stretched the span of the RF courtyard at Caltech (aboud the length of a house) & was brought on a flatbed. The two closest In&Outs wouldn't make it. One just wouldn't make one that size & the other wouldn't make a 666x666. They'd make a 665x665 or a 667x667. After establishing that adding a patty+cheese to a 665x665 or removing one from a 667x667 was "lame," so the seniors drove a bit further to get a true 666x666 for ditchday. It was enjoyed by much of the campus that day--plates and forks were provided. Thanks again to Tom Manion!
Linked to the largest Automotive message boards on the net:
Ever since becoming a vegetarian i haven't missed the meat, but i have really missed eating obscene amounts of really nasty food just for the glory that comes with accomplishing such a task. it's somewhat sad to think i'll never again tackle a 100pc order of mcnuggets. oh well, i'm sure my body thanks me.
I love farting.
Freaking brilliant. You'd be shoved out of the store by a horrified staff member if you requested that in Australia! God I want to come to America - I'd eat my way across the country!
Princess H
OK That was a true feat of gastronomy!
Nice job Guys n Gals.
Princess H is right, I wonder if the Chaser would try this somewhere?
Perth, West Australia.
Okay, so . . .next stop, 150 x 150 . . ?
But I think I'll bring a few more people to help eat the thing. Like maybe the next time Parokya ni Edgar is in town, I'll bring the audience . . .
You realize they limit the size now to 8x8 because of you. I hate you.
Thanks alot dillhole. They snaked the limit down to 4x4 in Pasadena. Your dumb F-in joke cost everyone else bigtime. How about this - stick to what you know best and smoke my hog.
I love it.
That kind of gluttony makes me think, "God bless America."
Not just Pasadena, according to the Wikipedia and the guy who gave me my burger an hour ago you assholes have created a company-wide policy where the max burger size is now 4x4. I hope you're happy.
Okay, first of all, I work for In-N-Out and I'd like to say that I probably work for the world's best company. We get GREAT benefits. We have amazing pay. We get treated with respect at work and in general I work at in a really upbeat and wonderful enviorment.
Thanks to YOU guys, some drunken boys, we have gotten a HORRIBLE reputation. A newspaper tried to construct their own 100x100 by taking several 8x8's. To anyone who is upset about now having to order a 4x4 and an extra meat patty and extra cheese just to get a 5x5, well, that would be your guys' fault.
The food we make is amazing, I have worked there for OVER a year and can still eat their several times a week, who can say that about their job? I know people who work at McDonald's, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, who say they won't even THINK about going there outside of work hours because they now know what is in their food.
I even go in on my day offs and it's still great to me. You have given In-N-Out a bad name, you've hurt the company and all of it's workers. I'm sure it was a fun joke to you guys but now you've kept people from ever wanting to enjoy In-N-Out and that's a shame. You've made it so people would actually go to McDonald's, which isn't even the real meat of the cow, then In-N-Out.
Wow...Lindsey. Wow.
I can't believe you are blaming us for a product you and your company made.
Did we ask you to serve raw beef?
Did we hold a gun to the In-N-Out workers heads and force them to make us a 100x100?
Settle down.
If this story made In-N-Out stop serving anything more than a I care? No. Does anyone really need something more than a 4x4? Maybe about as much as 8 people need a 100x100.
that is awesome!
Clearly you heartless secular sodomites entered this in-n-out with the sole intent to put an end to the TRUE AMERICAN FREEDOM of being able to order an AxA where A = anything.
By doing this you have both metaphorically and literally slapped every in-n-out employee twixt the face with your genetalia. You have killed their fathers and raped their mothers (especially the dead ones) and taught every cuss to all their children.
I hope you are happy with yourselves and your ridiculous foresight what with being able to predict that ordering a single 100x100 would cause so much pain and suffering for all of humanity.
Once again, thank you SOME DRUNK GUYS for somehow tipping the scales in favor of McDonalds a.k.a. pure evil.
That video, photo, everything about it was awesome. I live in Utah and have been to the Vegas In n Out lots of times. That employee still works there (the hot one - I was there two weeks ago).
The stunt was awesome... Just watching it made me sick of imagining eating all that food. But hey, you guys did it! Props to you. Don't listen to what people have been complainting about. Nobody can--in a healthy way--eat more than a 4x4 anyways...
Great work!
That video, photo, everything about it was awesome. I live in Utah and have been to the Vegas In n Out lots of times. That employee still works there (the hot one - I was there two weeks ago).
The stunt was awesome... Just watching it made me sick of imagining eating all that food. But hey, you guys did it! Props to you. Don't listen to what people have been complainting about. Nobody can--in a healthy way--eat more than a 4x4 anyways...
Great work!
I'm about a year late to this thread, but I still wanted to drop by and say, "STFU, Lindsey, you uptight cunt."
why does the reciept say 98 patties? anyhow, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-RRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!
NHL Washington Capitals Great hockey club! My dream is be player this team! I love hockey!
Excellent work. In-N-Out is meant for good clean fun and enjoyment such as this. Thanks for helping spread the joy of In-N-Out to the world.
because of you guys there are no more burgers bigger than 4 by 4s.. so thanks for nothing.
Holy crap! (literally) I can't believe you didn't all barf...and I was impressed with my drunken friends that ordered "El Ocho" at McDonalds...
i am a faithful in-n-out associate and i don't entirely blame your drunken night in vegas and your 100x100 for our new 4x4 rule, however you played a major part in ruining the meals of countless people everywhere in the western us. granted america is already fat enough but i can't tell you how disapointed i am to tell people they can't have a 6x6 or 5x5 or 8x8 or whatever burger they want. in-n-out's reputation for quality was ruined by you and countless others. it was fun while it lasted and yes sometimes those kind of burgers were a pain to make but hey it made our customers happy and cooks like myself took pride in making great looking 8x8's and so on. those associates out there who take no pride in their job also cost in-n-out's reputation. if i would have made that burger it would have looked great! also about the "raw" meat at the end of your burger, that will sometimes happen when cooked meat of any kind is left out for a long period of time. the meat cools and turns red. so it probably wasn't "raw" i'll give you the fact it might have been underdone or the cook could have been rushing to get your order off so as not to impeded the service to other guests. also our meat is grade a++++++++ and you can't get sick from eating a bit of red meat. in-n-out follows all health code standards to a tee and our meat is cooked above normal temperature standards to ensure safety. peace and love to all. LATERS!
God... the "associate" above is one big prick.
Actually JC was very right, but could have been a little nicer, 100X100s were being made when I was hired way back in 99 or so and I'm sure before that too. It's just that no one had the bright idea to film it and post it online. INO's policy to make the 4X4 the biggest burger they would serve is for the best. They have high standards for quality but value customer service even more. That's the only reason why they ever made 5X5 6X6 etc. It was to please the customer, because they don't want to every say no to a customer's request. I made a 45X30 once and it wasn't very pretty. This is also how the FF animal style was born, at the request of a cutomer, sure they boost our FF sales but for the cooks it's a pain in the behind and actually increases wait time. So, now that a few customer's think that our bigger burgers are ugly and nasty and post pics of them, the company decided to minimize the damage to our high quality standard by issuing the 4X4 policy. All of this is part of the "secret menu" anyway, just be glad no one had ordered the 0X100 or else the poor grilled cheese would have be axed.
Colon cancer is no laughing matter. You guys got 30 years or so to worry about that though.
I used to think a 4x4 was a monster.
I have been, and still am in ways, a patron of excess - BUT - this seems to me, a real big waste of time and even shameful when it comes down to it. Eating food for fun at this level? And I LIKE In-N-Out.
You are a fucking TOOL.
Lame ass shit.
Good, GOD. I thought this was a myth. Let alone, a 16x16... I thought that was a myth, but obviously, this 100x100 is like seeing a damn unicorn in front of my house. HOly... You made my day...
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Hey, Willie ! There is ONE VERY SAD THING about your 100X100 that I simply have to send out there--- I live in Oakdale CA with 2 in-n-outs near me(within 30 miles) and I,being a true fan of the 4x4 animal protein,have eaten at,I think all of the nor-cal locations since 2001,from merced on up coast to mtns. Now the problem; I have yet to find an in-n-out that will fix me a measly little 6x6-all I ever got was"We're sorry,sir, but the largest burger we offer is the 4x4"so,of course, I gotta order 2 burgers- 1 4x4 animal protein, and a "back-up"2x2 flying dutchman, putting the messy things together myself !! SO, gotta say, YOU SUCK FOR GETTING THEM TO MAKE YOU THAT BEAUTIFUL HEART-STOPPING CREATION!!!!! P.S. if you think you can get them to do it again, let me know, and I'll try to come help you eat it as long as it's animal style!-in 2 hours, I can easilyeat a 24x24 myself-With well-done animal-style fries[I've already done it several times-one self-made 6x6 at a time]mmmmm mmmmmm good eatin'!
P.S.-You aren't a TRUE fan unless you eat the cheese off the paper !!
my god I am so hungry now after watching that.
But like Kelly said, what's with not eating the cheese?! that's the best part, man! sheesh... or rather, Cheesesh!
The 4x4 policy being blamed on you is BS. Any good manager would surely keep one cook off your 100x100 in order to fulfill other guests meals in a timely fashion while the other cooks work on yours. Any good manager would blatently violate that 4x4 policy to please the customer.
Hey, that was a pretty cool post plus with pictures too. I could not believe it, so I went to your blog, and take a look, and watched the video too. Hahaha... Oh my, too much burger at once.. Cheers!
Hi, kinda off the subject. I liked your comment "jury-rigged" and understand how it came about, but did you know it was originally "gerry-rigged"....pronounced "jerry" in a term from one of the world wars with Germany. Gerry rigged meant pieced together, fixed cheaply with whatever is on hand. Probably sort of an insult at the time. Just a tidbit of useless info. Loved your burger experiment.
What do you think about the importance of exercise?
This is about the funniest thing I've seen in weeks. LOL!
Anyone up for a 200x200 after this?
You, I hope you ordered Diet Coke and fat free ketchup xD ^^
Awesome, that was one cool idea lol!!!
dude when i read this i it was freakin' hilarious. I wish i could have watch you guys eat it. ha ha .
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